Springfields Fennel
Fennel essential oil has a spicy and licorice aroma similar to aniseed. Particularly good for temporary relief of mucus congestion when used in a vaporiser. Detoxifying and restoring. Has a cleansing and clearing effect on the respiratory system when used in a diffuser. Traditionally used to help calm the digestive system.
- Product Details
- Application
- Ingredients
Fennel essential oil has a spicy, licorice type aroma similar to that of aniseed. Has a cleansing and clearing effect on the respiratory system when used in a diffuser. Traditionally used to help calm the digestive system.
DIFFUSER: 6 drops into water.
MASSAGE: Add drops 6 in 12mls of Almond oil.
100% pure essential oil of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare - fruit, steam distilled).